On 11/14/2013 08:19 AM, Vincent Veyron wrote:
Hi List,

Using databases with different locales on the same cluster, I am trying
to have Postgresql display the date in the locale format of each

I found the TM prefix :

However, using this will format dates according to the server's lc_time
parameter (fr_FR@euro in my case) and ignore the database's locale.

Is there a way to have the same code display 'Novembre' when connected
to the fr_FR database and 'November' when connected to the en_US one?

Here is a test case :

createdb default_locale
createdb english_locale --locale en_US.iso885915 --template=template0

output of psql -l :

default_locale | vincent      | LATIN9   | fr_FR@euro      | fr_FR@euro      |
english_locale | vincent      | LATIN9   | en_US.iso885915 | en_US.iso885915 |

ALTER DATABASE english_locale SET lc_time='en_US.iso885915';

Adrian Klaver

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