I don't know if this will help in terms of my problem?

this came from the admin pgbouncer console.

pgbouncer=# show pools;
 database  |   user    | cl_active | cl_waiting | sv_active | sv_idle |
sv_used| sv_tested | sv_login | maxwait
 pgbouncer | pgbouncer |         1 |          0 |         0 |       0 |      
0|         0 |        0 |       0
(1 row)

pgbouncer=# show pools;
 database  |   user    | cl_active | cl_waiting | sv_active | sv_idle |
sv_used| sv_tested | sv_login | maxwait
 pgbouncer | pgbouncer |         1 |          0 |         0 |       0 |      
0|         0 |        0 |       0
(1 row)

pgbouncer=# show pools;
 database  |   user    | cl_active | cl_waiting | sv_active | sv_idle |
sv_used| sv_tested | sv_login | maxwait
 pgbouncer | pgbouncer |         1 |          0 |         0 |       0 |      
0|         0 |        0 |       0
(1 row)

pgbouncer=# show clients;
 type |   user   | database  | state  | addr | port  | local_addr |
local_port | connect_time     |    request_time     |   ptr    | link
 C    | postgres | pgbouncer | active | ::1  | 65126 | ::1        |      
6432 | 2013-10-31 16:52:44 | 2013-10-31 16:55:13 | 018507b0 |
(1 row)

pgbouncer=# show servers;
 type | user | database | state | addr | port | local_addr | local_port |
connect_time | request_time | ptr | link
(0 rows)

pgbouncer=# show databases;
   name    |   host    | port | database  | force_user | pool_size |
 manifold  | localhost | 5432 | manifold  | postgrest  |        20 |0
 pgbouncer |           | 6432 | pgbouncer | pgbouncer  |         2 |0
 postgres  | | 5432 | postgres  |            |        20 |0
(3 rows)

pgbouncer=# show list;
ERROR:  invalid command 'show list;', use SHOW HELP;
pgbouncer=# show lists;
     list      | items
 databases     |     3
 users         |     2
 pools         |     1
 free_clients  |    67
 used_clients  |     1
 login_clients |     0
 free_servers  |     0
 used_servers  |     0
 dns_names     |     0
 dns_zones     |     0
 dns_queries   |     0
 dns_pending   |     0
(12 rows)

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