Hi, I was trying out schema settings and related functions. PostgreSQL version is 9.3
[postgres@MyCentOS 9.3]$ psql psql (9.3.0) Type "help" for help. postgres=# show search_path; search_path ---------------- "$user",public (1 row) postgres=# select current_schemas(true); current_schemas --------------------- {pg_catalog,public} (1 row) postgres=# set search_path=mynewschema, "$user", public; SET postgres=# select current_schemas(true); current_schemas --------------------- {pg_catalog,public} (1 row) postgres=# show search_path; search_path ------------------------------ mynewschema, "$user", public (1 row) I thought current_schemas and search_path will return the same set of schemas (except that current_schema will show pg_catalog also, if we use true). Shouldn't mynewschema appear in the output of select current_schemas(true)? Regards, Jayadevan