On Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 07:29:30PM +0400, Murat Kabilov wrote:
> Hello,
> I've just upgraded my database from 9.2.2 to 9.3.0 using pg_upgrade. Besides
> I've updated hstore extension ("alter extension hstore update").
> But I can't find new to 9.2 hstore functions such as "hstore_to_json" in my
> database.
> I found out that file "contrib/hstore/hstore.control" of pg 9.3 is identical 
> to
> 9.2 one. And there is no file like "hstore--1.1--1.2.sql".
> Is there a miss of update files for hstore?

This is fixed in 9.3.1;  upgrade to that, and read the release notes on
how to fix hstore.

  Bruce Momjian  <br...@momjian.us>        http://momjian.us
  EnterpriseDB                             http://enterprisedb.com

  + Everyone has their own god. +

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