On Sun, Oct 13, 2013 at 8:43 AM, akp geek <akpg...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Sorry all not posting clear.  I posted our postresql.conf file. What we
> are having is very slow response from the database.
> would like to get some feedback about postgresql.conf file parameters that
> I posted are causing the issue for performance of the DB.
> Our database is about 60GB and performance is very bad.
>             pci, instance #5
>     pci, instance #5
> load averages:  17.5,  18.1,  18.6;                    up
> 673+23:00:23
> 16:33:58
> 156 processes: 140 sleeping, 16 on cpu
> CPU states: 76.5% idle, 22.8% user,  0.7% kernel,  0.0% iowait,  0.0% swap
> Memory: 64G phys mem, 19G free mem, 63G total swap, 63G free swap
You aren't going to get much help without some specific details about what
is slow.

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