On 10/1/2013 3:00 PM, Mark Jones wrote:
>From the limited information, it is mostly relational.

phew. thats going to be a monster. 400TB on 600GB 15000rpm SAS drives in raid10 will require around 1400 drives. at 25 disks per 2U drive tray, thats 2 6' racks of nothing but disks, and to maintain a reasonable fanout to minimize IO bottlenecks, would require on the order of 25 SAS raid cards. or, a really big SAN with some serious IOPS. and naturally, you should have at least 2 of these for availability.

if we assume the tables average 1KB/record (which is a fairly large record size even including indexing), you're looking at 400 billion records. if you can populate these at 5000 records/second, it would take 2.5 years of 24/7 operation to populate that.

this sort of big data system is probably more suitable for something like hadoop+mongo or whatever on a cloud of 1000 nodes, not a monolithic SQL relational database.

john r pierce                                      37N 122W
somewhere on the middle of the left coast

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