Thanks to Adrian for pointing to this site.
I was able to get the virtual environment set up and install psycopg2
there.  Now things seem to be working well when I'm logged in as root.

But I need to be able to use the virtualenv as a non-root user, joshmoe.
 (And start/stop postgresql as this other user)

The command for getting into the virtualenv is:

source /root/Python-2.7.3/projectdir/bin/activate

Understandably, when I run this command as joshmoe, I get a permission
denied message:
-bash: /root/Python-2.7.3/projectdir/bin/activate: Permission denied

In an attempt to make this command available to joshmoe,  I started with
chmod and gave all rwx.  Still gave me the same message. So I edited
/etc/sudoer to include the following line:

joshmoe ALL=NOPASSWD: /root/Python-2.7.3/projectdir/bin/activate

Now from the joshmoe login, when I run:

sudo source /root/Python-2.7.3/projectdir/bin/activate

I get the following:

sudo: source: command not found

It seems pretty clear to me that I'm not using the sudoers file correctly
to specify sourcing this file -- I seem to be giving access to that
activate file successfully, but not to the built-in source function.  Both
of following lines are a no-go in the sudoers file-- syntax error

joshmoe ALL=NOPASSWD: source

joshmoe ALL=NOPASSWD: source /root/Python-2.7.3/projectdir/bin/activate

I've found a good many examples of sudoer statements.  But I can't figure
out the syntax that will make this work.  I'm hoping once I get this one,
I'll be able to give access to statements like 'service postgresql status'
and so forth.

On Fri, Sep 27, 2013 at 10:58 AM, Adrian Klaver <>wrote:

> On 09/27/2013 04:45 AM, Augori wrote:
>> Do you have other ideas?
> Re: my previous post. I was assuming you are not using Python 2.7 for
> anything important at this point. That might be an erroneous assumption, in
> which case truly cleaning house might not be the way to go.
> --
> Adrian Klaver

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