I have a little more information.

Yes, in isolation I can import these lines, however something happens after
69000 lines. These lines cause an error.

Dave Cramer


On Fri, Sep 20, 2013 at 9:59 AM, Adrian Klaver <adrian.kla...@gmail.com>wrote:

> On 09/19/2013 06:04 PM, Dave Cramer wrote:
>> Adrian,
>> 2) The exact error message is  ERROR:  extra data after last expected
>> column
>> considering ~39000 lines go in before this line I am fairly certain it is
>> the line.
> New day, new start. I am not sure now that the line you showed is the
> problem. I isolated that line in a file and did a COPY into postgres log.
> Note, I changed the time zone because my installation did not recognize WST:
> test=# COPY postgres_log FROM '/home/postgres/pg_csv_test.**csv' WITH csv;
> COPY 1
> test=# \x
> Expanded display is on.
> test=# SELECT * from postgres_log ;
> -[ RECORD 1 ]----------+------------------**------------------------------
> **----------------------------
> log_time               | 2013-09-12 10:33:19.145-07
> user_name              | user
> database_name          | dbname
> process_id             | 14581
> connection_from        |
> session_id             | 523126d3.38f5
> session_line_num       | 1
> command_tag            | SELECT
> session_start_time     | 2013-09-12 10:28:35-07
> virtual_transaction_id | 6/503023
> transaction_id         | 0
> error_severity         | ERROR
> sql_state_code         | 42P01
> message                | relation "dds_stores" does not exist
> detail                 |
> hint                   |
> internal_query         |
> internal_query_pos     |
> context                |
> query                  | WITH RECURSIVE recursive_stores(id, name) AS (
>                        |         SELECT id, name FROM customer_store WHERE
> id IN (1, 280, 864, 2376)
>                        |         UNION ALL
>                        |         SELECT ss.id, ss.name FROM
> recursive_stores sss, customer_store
>                        | ss WHERE sss.id = ss.parent_store_id
>                        | ) SELECT
>                        |         to_char(i.timestamp, 'Mon-YY') AS "Month
> Name",
>                        |         s.name AS "Target",
>                        |         COUNT(DISTINCT i.id) / (SELECT COUNT(
> dds_stores.id) FROM
>                        | dds_stores) AS "Ticket Count"
>                        | FROM
>                        |         customer_store s
>                        |         INNER JOIN printdata_workstation w ON
> s.id = w.store_id AND s.id
>                        | IN (SELECT recursive_stores.id FROM
> recursive_stores)
>                        |         INNER JOIN printdata_report r ON w.id =
> r.workstation_id AND
>                        | r.package_id IS NOT NULL
>                        |         INNER JOIN printdata_page p ON r.id =
> p.report_id
>                        |         INNER JOIN printdata_item i ON p.id =
> i.page_id
>                        | WHERE
>                        |         r.timestamp >= '2012-09-01' AND
> r.timestamp <= '2013-08-31'
>                        | GROUP BY
>                        |         "Month Name",
>                        |         "Target"
> query_pos              | 367
> location               |
> application_name       | pgAdmin III - Query Tool
>> Dave
> --
> Adrian Klaver
> adrian.kla...@gmail.com

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