Could you please post EXPLAIN for that query?
How 'fat' are the temporary tables - just a couple of columns or really

On Mon, Sep 23, 2013 at 7:08 PM, Andrus <> wrote:

> Query
> SELECT * FROM toode
> WHERE toode in (SELECT toode FROM tempkaive)
>     OR toode in (SELECT toode FROM tempalgsemu)
> stops working after upgrading to 9.3 RTM in Windows from earlier version.
> Task Manager shows that postgres.exe process has constantly 13% CPU usage
> (this is 8 core computer) and private working set memory is 16 MB
> PgAdmin shows that this query is running .
> toode field type is char(20) and it is toode table primary key.
> tempkaive and tempalgsemu are temporary tables created eralier this
> transaction. They do not have indexes.
> toode is real table which has 509873 records .
> Probably tempkaive temp table size is bigger that toode table and
> templalgemu temp table size is smaller than in toode.
> How to fix this or find the reason ?
> How to rewrite the query so that it works ?
> analyze command was executed but problem persists.
> I tested it running Postgres 9.3 RTM in 32 bin Windows 7 and  64 bit
> Windows 2008 R2 servers.
> In both cases same problem occurs.
> Only single user is using database and only this query is running.
> Locks window shows:
> 7840    toy    53749    admin        7/13375    AccessShareLock    Yes
> 2013-09-23 15:57:08+03    SELECT * FROM toode WHERE toode in (SELECT toode
> FROM tempkaive)OR toode in (SELECT toode FROM tempalgsemu)
> 7840    toy    53652    admin        7/13375    AccessShareLock    Yes
> 2013-09-23 15:57:08+03    SELECT * FROM toode WHERE toode in (SELECT toode
> FROM tempkaive)OR toode in (SELECT toode FROM tempalgsemu)
> 7840    toy    54605    admin        7/13375    AccessShareLock    Yes
> 2013-09-23 15:57:08+03    SELECT * FROM toode WHERE toode in (SELECT toode
> FROM tempkaive)OR toode in (SELECT toode FROM tempalgsemu)
> 7840    toy    54608    admin        7/13375    AccessShareLock    Yes
> 2013-09-23 15:57:08+03    SELECT * FROM toode WHERE toode in (SELECT toode
> FROM tempkaive)OR toode in (SELECT toode FROM tempalgsemu)
> 7840    toy    49799    admin        7/13375    AccessShareLock    Yes
> 2013-09-23 15:57:08+03    SELECT * FROM toode WHERE toode in (SELECT toode
> FROM tempkaive)OR toode in (SELECT toode FROM tempalgsemu)
> 7840            admin    7/13375    7/13375    ExclusiveLock    Yes
> 2013-09-23 15:57:08+03    SELECT * FROM toode WHERE toode in (SELECT toode
> FROM tempkaive)OR toode in (SELECT toode FROM tempalgsemu)
> 7840    toy    53750    admin        7/13375    AccessShareLock    Yes
> 2013-09-23 15:57:08+03    SELECT * FROM toode WHERE toode in (SELECT toode
> FROM tempkaive)OR toode in (SELECT toode FROM tempalgsemu)
> Andrus.
> --
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