
I use PG 9.2.4 with streaming replication.  What will be the manual procedure 
to failover from Primary to Standby and Set the old Primary as a new standby?

step 1:  standby's recovery.conf :
# Specifies a trigger file whose presence should cause streaming replication to 
end (i.e., failover).
trigger_file = '/var/lib/postgresql/main/trigger'

step 2:  To trigger a smart failover, create a trigger file containing the word 
smart, or just create it and leave it empty. (e.g. 
vi  /var/lib/postgresql/main/trigger

step 3: wait until the failover is completed, the server is brought up after 
applying all WAL files available in the archive. 
How to check if the failover is completed and the new Primary is ready?

step 4: if the failover is done
Do I need to edit the new primary's postgresql.conf and restart postgresql? 
e.g. comment out the hot_standy = on 

step 5: how to quickly set the old primary as a new standby?
        SELECT pg_start_backup('replbackup');
        tar cfP /home/postgres/pg_backup.tar $PG_DATA
        SELECT pg_stop_backup();
        send  /home/postgres/pg_backup.tar to the old primary
        unzip the tar file to $PG_DATA & delete postmaster.pid
        create the recovery.conf 
        edit the postgresql.conf to enable "hot_standby = on"
        start postgresql 
if the PG_DATA has 600GB data, is there a quicker way to set the old primary as 
a new standby?


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