Jayadevan M <maymala.jayade...@gmail.com> wrote:

> explain analyze
> select  distinct geoip_city(src_ip) , src_ip
> from alert where timestamp>=1378512000 and timestamp < 1378598400
> The explain takes forever

What is the longest you have let it run, in hours or minutes?

> This one, without the function call, comes back in under a second -
> explain analyze
> select  distinct
>  src_ip
> from alert where timestamp>=1378512000 and timestamp < 1378598400

> The function doesn't do much, code given below -

But it is called 10,515 times -- even a few milliseconds per call
can add up.

> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION geoip_city(IN p_ip bigint, OUT loc_desc character 
> varying)
>   RETURNS character varying AS
> $BODY$
> SELECT l.id || l.country ||l.region || l.city  FROM blocks b JOIN locations l 
> ON (b.location_id = l.id)
>      WHERE $1 >= start_ip and $1 <= end_ip limit 1 ;
> $BODY$
>   COST 100;

Try running the SELECT from the function with different values in
place of $1: common versus uncommon (or even missing) and low
values versus high values.  Show the EXPLAIN ANALYZE output of the

By the way, IMMUTABLE has to be wrong here, since the results
depend on the state of the database.  STABLE is likely the right

Kevin Grittner
EDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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