Suppose I have a lot of data (several GB worth) to store each day, going back a few years. I am considering a nested partition schema, in which the data for each day is stored in a separate child table, which inherits from an empty table for each month, which inherits from an empty table for each year. For example, if I had data going back three years, I'd have one master table with the column definitions. Then I'd have three year tables inherit from that master table. Then I'd have twelve month tables inherit from each year table. Then I'd have the appropriate number of day tables inherit from each month table.


Check constraints would be used on each day table to ensure that only data for that year-month-day is stored there (performing a range check on an integer or timestamp type, for example). Check constraints would also be used on each month table to ensure that only data for that year-month is stored in that month's child tables. And check constraints would also be used on each year table to ensure that only data for that year is stored in that year's child tables. Each day table would have its day check constraint, plus inherited year and month check constraints.

Now to the questions. Would constraint exclusion work in a tree fashion to prune tables from a query plan? In other words, if I query data for a specific day, would constraint exclusion first exclude all the years but the relevant one, then exclude all the months of that year but the relevant one, then exclude all the days of that month but the relevant one, and finally perform a sequential or index scan of the right partition? The idea is that by nesting the partitions in this manner the number of exclusion checks is reduced. One can see that with a decade of data stored, there would be approximately 3652 partitions. The documentation discourages having this many partitions.

Thanks in advance for advice.


Gabriel Sánchez-Martínez
PhD Candidate
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

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