Oooh can we make the handle an elephant trunk? (Ok, now I'm sure I'm adding
all sorts of expense - but hey you'll save so much money using Postgres you
can afford an expensive coffee mug!)

On Thu, Sep 12, 2013 at 5:30 AM, Andreas 'ads' Scherbaum <> wrote:

> On 09/10/2013 10:15 PM, Kevin Grittner wrote:
>> patrick keshishian <> wrote:
>>> One more "cute" idea that came to me last night. Here is a very
>>  poor attempt at it by yours truly; keep in mind I'm not a graphics
>>> artist. This image is for illustration purposes only!
>>> Can you picture a bunch of these on a meeting table? If that image
>>> does not scream "Stampede!", I don't know what does. =)
>>> Again, a great conversation starter.
>> I think I like this idea best so far!
>> Some supporting documentation for a final version:
> I agree, that's a good idea. Instead of the original PG logo near the top,
> the mug can show a real elephant face along with the foots on both sides.
> And then have "PostgreSQL" somewhere written - maybe turned 90° near the
> handle, on both sides?
> How does this sound? And next question: who can design this? ;-)
> --
>                                 Andreas 'ads' Scherbaum
> German PostgreSQL User Group
> European PostgreSQL User Group - Board of Directors
> Volunteer Regional Contact, Germany - PostgreSQL Project
> --
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