I have a production server running PG 8.4 on RHEL6.  I have a development 
server running PG 9.2 on Ubuntu 13.04.  Periodically, I like to take a dump of 
the production server and load it on the development machine.

But I'm having troubles with the 9.2 server crashing when I'm restoring the 
dump.  I'm using the 9.2 version of pg_dump.  I've tried restoring a 
custom-format dump with pg_restore, and I've tried restoring  a text-format 
dump with pqsl, and both of them are crashing on me.

The data is too sensitive for me to submit a database dump to the community, 
but I'd like to submit a stack trace, in the hopes that someone might be able 
to figure out what's going on.  But I'm having some trouble getting this done.

I'm looking at the instructions at 

Which points me to https://wiki.edubuntu.org/DebuggingProgramCrash

Which tells me to install the “dbg” version of my package, so I have installed 

The PG wiki page tells me to download and run list-dbgsym-packages-v2.sh, but 
the Edubuntu page says that that script has been supplanted by 
list-symbols-packages-v2.sh.  Okay, so I run

chris@mu:~/Downloads$ sudo bash list-symbols-packages-v2.sh -p $(pidof -s 

and get

warning: no loadable sections found in added symbol-file system-supplied DSO at 

any idea where I go from here?


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