On 9/4/13, Andreas 'ads' Scherbaum <adsm...@wars-nicht.de> wrote:
> On 09/04/2013 10:17 PM, Stefan Kaltenbrunner wrote:
>> On 09/04/2013 10:13 PM, Marc Balmer wrote:
>>> Am 04.09.13 22:02, schrieb Gavin Flower:
>>>> On 04/09/13 22:47, Eduardo Morras wrote:
>>>>> On Wed, 04 Sep 2013 00:08:52 +0200
>>>>> Andreas 'ads' Scherbaum <adsm...@wars-nicht.de> wrote:
>>>>>> PostgreSQL folks!
>>>>>> We are looking for the next big thing. Actually, it's a bit smaller:
>>>>>> a
>>>>>> new design for mugs. So far we had big blue elephants, small blue
>>>>>> elephants, frosty elephants, white SQL code on black mugs ... Now
>>>>>> it's
>>>>>> time to design something new.
>>>>>> What's in for you? Fame, of course - we will announce the designer of
>>>>>> the next mug along with the mugs itself. Plus 4 mugs for you and your
>>>>>> friends.
>>>>>> Do you have a cool idea? Please let us know. Either reply here or
>>>>>> send
>>>>>> an email to pgeu-bo...@postgresql.org.
>>>>> A big yellow elephant? Perhaps with a nice smile?.... Oh it's already
>>>>> taken ;)
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> ---   ---
>>>>> Eduardo Morras <emorr...@yahoo.es>
>>>> A big elephant, and 2 smaller elephants.
>>>> A big elephant, and lots of increasingly smaller elephants.
>>>> A Mummy & Daddy elephants, with baby elephants.
>>>> To represent that PostgreSQL now replicates?
>>> If it represents that PostgreSQL replicates, the elephants must be of
>>> the same size.  We don't loose any data.
>>> But I like the idea.  With replication as the motto, we can sell two
>>> mugs instead of one...
>> well - these days we can actually do cascading replication. which opens
>> up even more possibilities..
> So it needs a design which combines more than one mug into some kind of
> artwork? That would be awesome - who can design this?
> And for the family of elephants - how can we make sure it's not similar
> to what we used before?

someone beat you to it:

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