On Wed, Sep 4, 2013 at 2:10 AM, Jeff Janes <jeff.ja...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tuesday, September 3, 2013, Gregory Haase wrote:
>> I am working on a date-based partitioning framework and I would really
>> like to have a single function that could be used as trigger for any table
>> that needs to be partitioned by day. I am working in a rails environment,
>> so every table has a created_at datetime field.
>> I created my generic function:
>> create or replace function day_partition_insert_trigger()
>> returns trigger as $$
>> declare
>>     ins_tbl varchar;
>>  begin
>>     ins_tbl     :=  TG_TABLE_SCHEMA || '.' || TG_TABLE_NAME || '_' ||
>> to_char(NEW.created_at,'YYYYMMDD');
>>     execute 'insert into '|| ins_tbl ||' select ($1).*' using NEW;
>>     return null;
>> end;
>> $$ language plpgsql;
>> ...
>> I began to wonder if there would be a performance degradation, so I
>> changed the testdailytwo trigger function the typical if, elsif described
>> in the partitioning documentation and then ran pgbench against both tables.
>> I noticed that with 7 partitions, the if, elsif was slightly faster
>> (~8%). However, when adding 30 partitions, the if, elsif version became
>> slower. I'd sort of expected this.
> Did you try an if, elsif, version structured like a binary search rather
> than a linear search?
> Also, did you try them with a \copy rather than insert in a loop?
> Cheers,
> Jeff

I experimented with trigger based inserts and rule based inserts.
In my case I insert many rows at a time and in that case, rule based
inserts performed better.

Here is an example from me and it is based on the online postgres documents.

  id integer,
  ts timestamp without time zone,
  value real

-- create each partition, example for a single one
CREATE TABLE test_partition_2013_08_16
  CONSTRAINT test_partition_2013_08_16_timestamp_check CHECK (ts >=
'2013-08-16'::date AND ts < '2013-08-17'::date)
*INHERITS (test)*;

CREATE INDEX idx_test_2013_08_16_ts ON test_partition_2013_08_16
  USING btree

-- for each partition create a rule like the following:
CREATE OR REPLACE RULE test_partition_2013_08_16_rule AS
    ON INSERT TO test
   WHERE new.ts >= '2013-08-16'::date AND new.ts < '2013-08-17'::date DO
INSTEAD  INSERT INTO test_partition_2013_08_16 (id, ts, value)
  VALUES (new.id, new.ts, new.value);

I have create a function/procedure that creates and drops the partitions
for me and run it from crontab.

Hope this helps,
    - Gummi

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