Same version of DB for dump & restore? If not, was the dump done via the 
pg_dump from the newer version. If not, please do that. 

Dan Langille

On Aug 28, 2013, at 2:56 AM, Torello Querci <> wrote:

> Interesting .....
> while trying to restore the database on the same machine as different 
> database I get this error message:
> ERROR:  date/time field value out of range: "20016009:50:37.927936"
> Since I get this data from a database dump obtained with "pg_dump" on the 
> same hardware I suppose that can to be two possibility:
> - postgresql bug somewhere
> - hardware problem that caused data corruption
> Since the dump file is 11G is not so easy to handle ....
> I think that this is not related with create index problem since this field 
> is not used by this index and increase maintenance memory had worked.
> I'll fix it and go ahead in maintenance_work_mem test for index creating.
> Best Regards
> 2013/8/27 Torello Querci <>
>> 2013/8/26 Jeff Janes <>
>>> On Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 10:01 AM, Torello Querci <> wrote:
>>> > Ok,
>>> >
>>> > now create index is finished using maintenance_work_mem=100MB.
>>> >
>>> > Thanks to all.
>>> >
>>> > I suppose that an error message more clear can help.
>>> Unfortunately, since no one knows what the real problem is, we can't
>>> make the message more clear.  Something that is never supposed to
>>> happen has happened.
>>> One thing you could do is set log_error_verbosity to verbose.
>>> It seems like the most likely cause is flaky hardware, either memory
>>> or hard-drive.  In which case, your database is in serious danger of
>>> irrecoverable corruption.
>>> Is it reproducible that if you lower the maintenance_work_mem you get
>>> the error again, and if you raise it the error does not occur?
>> I'll try to restore the database on the same hw but different DB using 
>> differente maintenance_work_mem end verbosity and I'll posted the result 
>> here, if can help to improve the error message.
>> Cheers, Torello

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