On 08/27/2013 12:44 PM, AI Rumman wrote:
I have a string like:
Gloucester Catholic vs. St. Augustine baseball, South Jersey
Non-Public A final, June 5, 2013
I need to extract date part from the string.
I used the follows:
regexp_matches(title,'[.* ]+\ (Jul|August|Sep)[, a-zA-Z0-9]+' )
But it gives me result August as it stops at "Augustine".
In my case, date can be in different formats, some record may use ","
or some may not.
Any idea to achieve this?
select regexp_replace('Gloucester Catholic vs. St. Augustine baseball,
South Jersey Non-Public A final, June 5, 2013',
E'(^.*)(\\m(June|July|August|Sep))([, a-zA-Z0-9]+)', E'\\2 \\4' );
| regexp_replace |
| June 5, 2013 |
(1 row)
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