hhs=# INSERT INTO applicants_test (SELECT app_id ,old_id ,emp_id ,inv_id
,createdate ,updatedon ,todelete ,appstatus ,apptype ,infosent ,empinitials
,firstname ,lastname ,salutation ,fontype1 ,fonnumber1 ,fonext1 ,fontype2
,fonnumber2 ,fonext2 ,fontype3 ,fonnumber3 ,fonext3 ,address1 ,address2
,city ,state ,postal ,country ,homestate ,email ,careerdate ,degree1
,degreedate1 ,gpa1 ,university1 ,degree2 ,degreedate2 ,gpa2 ,university2
,startdate ,currentsalary ,degreecode ,industrycode ,title ,company
,companydiv ,preemploy ,minority as processtype ,inunion ,prodnotes ,sk1
,sk2 ,sk3 ,sk4 ,sic1 ,sic2 ,sic3 ,certificates ,clearance ,languages
,desiredsalary ,minimumsalary ,whyseeking ,followdate ,personalnotes as
technotes ,technotes as personalnotes ,relonote ,follownote ,profile
,relopref1 ,relopref2 ,relo_states ,source ,upinitials  FROM applicants);
ERROR:  Attribute 'processtype' is of type 'varchar' but expression is of
type 'bool'
        You will need to rewrite or cast the expression


if I try to cast minority to varchar (or anything else for that matter) I

ERROR:  Cannot cast type 'bool' to 'varchar'

Is there any way to get the above to work? I have a client down and need
this (or something like this) to straighten out his data tables... Thanks!


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