Robert James wrote
> I would like to:
> SELECT * FROM r, (x + y) AS field3
> How do I correlate the names of the fields? That is, how do I indicate
> which fields from r or field3 should be inserted into the right
> columns in t?

Already answered but I'll add that as written, assuming there are enough
columns present, the syntax shown will work and do a pair-wise matching of
columns in the order defined in the catalog for table "t".  You can view
that order by simply issuing a "SELECT * FROM t".  If you know the order of
"t" you can simply explode the "SELECT * FROM r, (x+y)" into an explicit
column-list that has the same ordering as "t".  There are limitations,
mainly as relates to default values, but for a table "t" with a large number
of columns it can be considerably less verbose/tedious to write.

David J.

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