On Thu, Aug 22, 2013 at 3:23 AM, Stuart Bishop <stu...@stuartbishop.net>wrote:

> On Wed, Aug 21, 2013 at 4:55 PM, Don Parris <parri...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I did run pg_dropcluster, pg_createcluster (setting locale to C.UTF8) -
> and
> > that seemed to work, except that I could not thereafter make remote
> > connections (despite resetting the hba and postgres.conf files as they
> > should be).
> Rather than chasing locales, I'd look into why you failed here. When
> you install the PostgreSQL packages, it runs pg_createcluster for you.
> If you don't like the locale or encoding you used, you run
> pg_dropcluster and pg_createcluster as you did. The reason why your
> database did not work after doing this is probably obvious from your
> log files.
> Hi Stuart,

Hi Stuart,

Your point is valid and well-taken.  I discovered a couple of other issues
in my poking around:

<> The pgsql logs turned up empty (literally), so would have to rely on
system logs for any hints of connection issues.

<> It seems my iptables was ruined - I kept getting errors about needing an
update and the software update manager kept giving me errors on kernel
updates.  I could not create iptables rules to open the port.

<> I also had problems with my SSH service.

I really suspect the whole connectivity issue was related to updates and
something going South with my iptables setup (among other possible issues).
 I had been able to connect remotely before I replaced the cluster, but not
after, so I just cannot be too sure what ultimately caused the problem.

But I still come back to the locale issue.  I am glad I was on the right
track in replacing the cluster.  Still, how could I have made UTF-8 the
default encoding at install time?  Maybe the very first step on a Kubuntu
system should be to replace the cluster before doing anything else.  Or
maybe there is a locale setting that can be changed to ensure the pgsql
package gets the 'right' cues?

An OpenSUSE 12.3 installation with pgsql 9.2 comes up with a UTF8-encoded
template1.  So why does the (K)Ubuntu package default to an ASCII-encoded
template1?  When I read the fine manual (and it really is pretty good), I
get the impression it is best to let initdb/pg_createcluster take its cue
from the OS locale settings.  If my locale on Kubuntu shows up as UTF-8,
then why the seeming miscue?  I am certain there is a reasonable
explanation, but that eludes me at this point.


D.C. Parris, FMP, Linux+, ESL Certificate
Minister, Security/FM Coordinator, Free Software Advocate
GPG Key ID: F5E179BE

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