On 8/16/2013 6:35 AM, Basavaraj wrote:
finally the result shoule be

name| address|email|mobileNo|firstname|lastName|
abc   some1    mail1   1234564 def          xyz

5 records               |   10 records


First, a table is an unordered SET of tuples(rows). it only has an order when one is applied to it. so which rows of table 1 would go with what rows of table 2?

Second, if that 2nd table has 10 records and the first table only has 5, what would those other 5 look like in your example? no answer I can think of makes sense. all rows of a recordset have to have the same fields.

If this data is unrelated, then it does not belong together in a relation.

john r pierce                                      37N 122W
somewhere on the middle of the left coast

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