Hello and namaste, I have installed the latest version an running tests on it.
Since i analyze logs , i have found three new entries in log for each insert statement which isn't present in postgres 9.0 log --- 2013-08-10 11:59:27.031 IST,"postgres","aeppos",2780,"",5205dd5b.adc,352787,"idle",2013-08-10 11:57:39 IST,5/129358,0,LOG,00000,"PARSER STATISTICS","! system usage stats: ! 0.000000 elapsed 0.000000 user 0.000000 system sec ! [43.227877 user 19.250523 sys total]",,,,,"insert into loginmaster (loginid,fullname,empid,passwd) values ( 'login88193', 'fullname88193', 'empid88193', 'passwd88193')",,,"" 2013-08-10 11:59:27.032 IST,"postgres","aeppos",2780,"",5205dd5b.adc,352788,"INSERT",2013-08-10 11:57:39 IST,5/129358,0,LOG,00000,"PARSE ANALYSIS STATISTICS","! system usage stats: ! 0.000000 elapsed 0.000000 user 0.000000 system sec ! [43.227877 user 19.250523 sys total]",,,,,"insert into loginmaster (loginid,fullname,empid,passwd) values ( 'login88193', 'fullname88193', 'empid88193', 'passwd88193')",,,"" 2013-08-10 11:59:27.032 IST,"postgres","aeppos",2780,"",5205dd5b.adc,352789,"INSERT",2013-08-10 11:57:39 IST,5/129358,0,LOG,00000,"REWRITER STATISTICS","! system usage stats: ! 0.000000 elapsed 0.000000 user 0.000000 system sec ! [43.227877 user 19.250523 sys total]",,,,,"insert into loginmaster (loginid,fullname,empid,passwd) values ( 'login88193', 'fullname88193', 'empid88193', 'passwd88193')",,,"" --- as you can see it is for a single record "login88193" it places PARSER STATISTICS PARSE ANALYSIS STATISTICS REWRITER STATISTICS I know it appers because i have enabled log_parser_* options in log But what i request to know is the meaning of these statistics and how usefull is can be for a server load evaluation thanking you greetings from india arvind