its a huge file with such queries:

INSERT INTO traces VALUES (.....);

Anyway, I managed to see that the transactions still occure like David
Johnston sugested. And luckily the browser is alive now after one hour that
it had been freezed...

thank you very much for the reply!

On Thu, Aug 8, 2013 at 5:46 PM, Alban Hertroys <> wrote:

> On 8 August 2013 16:33, dafNi zaf <> wrote:
>> Hello to everybody,
>> I started to upload (via phpPgAdmin) to a local server a huge file (20GB)
>> in
>> order to fill up a database.
>> The uploding completed and the transactions started. But unfortunately, my
>> browser crashed/freezed in the middle of the transactions.
>> I wanted to know, given that the uploading of the file was completed,
>> will the
>> transactions keep executing on server??
>> Before the browser crashed there was a process that consumed 23.6% of the
>> CPU for the transactions and now, I see the same process with
>> approximately
>> the same percentage.
>> Should I assume that the transactions keep running?
>> I am trying to avoid uploading the file all over again because it has
>> already been
>> running for 5 hours.
> There is a chance that the database server is just still processing your
> request and that it will only figure out that there's a client error once
> it reaches the end of that 20GB file, after which the client returns an
> error and the database rolls back the transaction.
> Depending on how phpPgAdmin/PHP were implemented, that's not necessarily
> what'll happen though, so you might just get lucky and the transaction
> commits.
> Hard to tell, I know nothing about the internals of phpPgAdmin.
> What kind of file is it anyway? A database dump perhaps?
> --
> If you can't see the forest for the trees,
> Cut the trees and you'll see there is no forest.

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