On 06 August 2013 16:13 ascot.moss wrote

>I just setup the replication in the slave again, when trying to use psql, I 
>could not get the psql command prompt but got "psql: FATAL:  the database 
>system is starting up" from it.

>PG: 9.2.4

>Below is the log from the the slave: 
>LOG:  database system was shut down in recovery at 2013-08-06 18:34:44
>LOG:  entering standby mode
>LOG:  consistent recovery state reached at 1C/9A0F9CF0
>LOG:  record with zero length at 1C/9A0F9CF0
>LOG:  streaming replication successfully connected to primary
>FATAL:  the database system is starting up

>I am new to PG replication, please help.

There is a configuration parameter "hot_standby" is set as on or not?
This allows the queries during recovery.

Hari babu.

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