On Jul 28, 2013, at 5:29 PM, Amit Langote wrote:

> I think, the WAL recycling on standby names the recycled segments with
> the latest timelineID (in this case it's 0x10) which creates WALs that
> there shouldn't have been like 000000100000146A00000001 instead of
> 0000000F0000146A00000001. This patch recently applied to 9.1.9 (but
> not in any stable release so far) solves this problem as far as I can
> see. Try and see if you can patch it:
> http://git.postgresql.org/gitweb/?p=postgresql.git;a=commit;h=424cc31a3785bd01108e6f4b20941c6442d3d2d0

Thanks for the link Amit. That makes for 2 patches we're eagerly awaiting in 

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