On 07/29/2013 07:27 AM, Ingmar Brouns wrote:
On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 3:45 PM, Adrian Klaver <adrian.kla...@gmail.com> wrote:
On 07/29/2013 04:24 AM, Ingmar Brouns wrote:


This work?:

test=> select replace(1.500::text, '.', ',');
(1 row)

that would work, but that requires keeping track of which decimal
separator to use yourself.  If you change the locale, the code
has to change as well. As to_char already converts the decimal
separator in a locale aware manner, I wonder whether there is a
way to do this using the existing locale facilities.

Sorry, I just got to your second post where you explained that. I can't think of a way at the moment.


Adrian Klaver

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