Hi Lonni,
I have a postgresql-9.3-beta1 cluster setup (from the
yum.postgresql.org RPMs), where I'm experimenting with the postgres
FDW extension. The documentation (
http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.3/static/postgres-fdw.html )
references three Cost Estimation Options which can be set for a
foreign table or a foreign server. However when I attempt to set
them, I always get an error that the option is not found:
nightly=# show SERVER_VERSION ;
nightly=# \des+
List of
foreign servers
Name | Owner | Foreign-data wrapper | Access privileges |
Type | Version |
FDW Options | Description
cuda_db10 | lfriedman | postgres_fdw | |
| | (host 'cuda-db10', dbname 'nightly', port '5432') |
(1 row)
nightly=# ALTER SERVER cuda_db10 OPTIONS (SET use_remote_estimate 'true') ;
ERROR: option "use_remote_estimate" not found
Am I doing something wrong, or is this a bug?
You got this error because you can't alter, in a server, an option which
is not yet defined using 'SET'.
You could do in this way if your server was already created with the
option 'use_remote_estimate' set, just for instance, to 'false':
nightly=# \des+
List of foreign servers
Name | Owner | Foreign-data wrapper | Access privileges | Type |
Version | FDW Options
| Description
cuda_db10 | lfriedman | postgres_fdw | | |
| (host 'cuda-db10', dbname 'nightly', port '5432', use_remote_estimate
'false') |
(1 row)
nightly=# ALTER SERVER cuda_db10 OPTIONS (SET use_remote_estimate 'true') ;
nightly=# \des+
List of foreign servers
Name | Owner | Foreign-data wrapper | Access privileges | Type |
Version | FDW Options
| Description
cuda_db10 | lfriedman | postgres_fdw | | |
| (host 'cuda-db10', dbname 'nightly', port '5432', use_remote_estimate
'true') |
(1 row)
If your server was not created with any 'use_remote_estimate' option,
you have to add it in this way:
nightly=# \des+
List of foreign servers
Name | Owner | Foreign-data wrapper | Access privileges | Type |
Version | FDW Options | Description
cuda_db10 | lfriedman | postgres_fdw | | |
| (host 'cuda-db10', dbname 'nightly', port '5432') |
(1 row)
nightly=# ALTER SERVER cuda_db10 OPTIONS (use_remote_estimate 'true') ;
nightly=# \des+
List of foreign servers
Name | Owner | Foreign-data wrapper | Access privileges | Type |
Version | FDW Options
| Description
cuda_db10 | lfriedman | postgres_fdw | | |
| (host 'cuda-db10', dbname 'nightly', port '5432', use_remote_estimate
'true') |
(1 row)
To create your server with 'use_remote_estimate' option already set to
'true' you have to do:
nightly=# CREATE SERVER cuda_db10 FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER postgres_fdw
OPTIONS(host 'cuda-db10', dbname 'nightly', port '5432', use_remote_estimate
nightly=# \des+
List of foreign servers
Name | Owner | Foreign-data wrapper | Access privileges | Type |
Version | FDW Options
| Description
cuda_db10 | lfriedman | postgres_fdw | | |
| (host 'cuda-db10', dbname 'nightly', port '5432', use_remote_estimate
'true') |
(1 row)
Hope this can help.
Giuseppe Broccolo - 2ndQuadrant Italy
PostgreSQL Training, Services and Support
giuseppe.brocc...@2ndquadrant.it | www.2ndQuadrant.it
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