overy has begun.
>> Recovery has not begun. Without the change, the recovery will not start. So,
>do I have to do a reload, or restart, for the parameter to take effect? The
>situation is  - master is up and running, slave is up and running. I made a
>change to recovery.conf. How can I make slave 'accept' that change?
>I think that you are mixing things here. recovery.conf is read once at server
>start up and its presence puts the server in archive recovery.
>Check the output of "SELECT pg_is_in_recovery()" and you will see that its
>output is true, meaning that the node is in recovery. On the other hand,
>trigger_file is used for a node promotion, making the node exit the archive
>recovery mode and turn it into a master node. So to make the new parameter
>have effect restart the server.
As you said, I was mixing things there. When you said recovery has begun, I 
confused it with promotion. Apologies.
I tried restarting the standby node and it worked.
Thanks a lot,

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