I was reading about Postgres stored procs in the FAQ: https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/FAQ#Does_PostgreSQL_have_stored_procedures.3F
It claims that an alternative syntax to: SELECT theNameOfTheFunction(arg1, arg2); Is: PERFORM theNameOfTheFunction(arg1, arg2); However, when I try the following: CREATE TABLE app_for_leave ( sno integer NOT NULL, eid integer, ename varchar(20), sd date, ed date, sid integer, status boolean DEFAULT false, CONSTRAINT pk_snoa PRIMARY KEY (sno) ); CREATE FUNCTION MyInsert(_sno integer, _eid integer, _sd date, _ed date, _sid integer, _status boolean) RETURNS void AS $BODY$ BEGIN INSERT INTO app_for_leave(sno, eid, sd, ed, sid, status) VALUES(_sno, _eid, _sd, _ed, _sid, _status); END; $BODY$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' VOLATILE COST 100; PERFORM MyInsert(1,101,'2013-04-04','2013-04-04',2,'f' ); I get the error: ERROR: syntax error at or near "PERFORM" SQL state: 42601 Character: 1 Is the FAQ out of date or was this feature removed? I'm using 9.2.1. Thanks! Mike