>I've done something weird:
>CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "timestamp"(_date date, _time time) RETURNS
timestamp AS $$
>SELECT _date + _time;
>$$ LANGUAGE sql;

>SELECT "timestamp"('2013-01-01'::date, '12:00:00'::time);

Good one.

function with above definition is already present in pg_catalog. so no need
to define new function.(3 rd row)

\df timestamp
                                          List of functions
   Schema   |   Name    |      Result data type       |         Argument
data types          |  Type  
 pg_catalog | timestamp | timestamp without time zone | abstime                 
| normal
 pg_catalog | timestamp | timestamp without time zone | date                    
| normal
 pg_catalog | timestamp | timestamp without time zone | date, time without
time zone         | normal
 pg_catalog | timestamp | timestamp without time zone | timestamp without
time zone, integer | normal
 pg_catalog | timestamp | timestamp without time zone | timestamp with time
zone             | normal
(5 rows)

But why this function requires "" to get execute.

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