Hi, http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.1/static/functions-conditional.html describes NULLIF, when combined with COALESCE it should answer your request.
HTH Kind regards/met vriendelijke groet, Serge Fonville http://www.sergefonville.nl Convince Microsoft! They need to add TRUNCATE PARTITION in SQL Server https://connect.microsoft.com/SQLServer/feedback/details/417926/truncate-partition-of-partitioned-table 2013/6/20 itishree sukla <itishree.su...@gmail.com> > Hi All, > > I am using coalesce(firstname,lastname), to get the result if first name > is 'NULL' it will give me lastname or either way. I am having data like > instead of NULL, blank null ( i mean something like '' ) for which > coalesce is not working, is there any workaround or other function > available in postgresql, please do let me know. > > > Regards, > Itishree >