Adeelusman wrote:
> i have recently started work with PostgreSQL. Here is my question!
>  i have a table in oracle and i want to insert all record in PostgreSQL, For
> this i'm using Foreign Data Wrapper for oracle. it work fine with small set
> of data but as i tried to get large table query got failed after getting 0.5
> million records. here is the error "out of memory for query result" can
> someone let me know how to avoid this.
> One more question I'm on windows environment. i could not get any  Foreign
> Data Wrapper for oracle for 64bit system. anyone explain this ?
> lastly i would like to ask when we create a wrapper table where actually it
> is created. it hold the record in memory or physical table. what is the way
> if i want to insert all record from Wrapper table to ordinary table

The perfect forum for oracle_fdw questions is here:

Which PostgreSQL version are you using?
What are the commands you ran?
How much memory has the machine got, how much
is reserved for PostgreSQL and what are your memory related settings?
How big does the resident memory of the backend process grow
before you get the error?

I tried on Linux with a table with 10^6 records and more than 1GB
of data, and I didn't encounter this problem; memory usage stopped
growing after a certain point (slightly more than shared_buffers).

There is no binary build for 64-bit Windows because I don't have such
a machine.  I'd publish a binary if somebody builds it.

Laurenz Albe

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