=?UTF-8?B?Tmlja2xhcyBBdsOpbg==?= <nicklas.a...@jordogskog.no> writes:
> I am trying to create an aggregate function.

> One of the arguments is static and is not needed until the final function.
>  From the doc I see that the final function " must take a single 
> argument of typestate_data_type"

> Is it not possible to just pass this arguments directly to the final 
> function?

No.  There is no expectation in the aggregate infrastructure that any
argument position would have a fixed value across all rows, which is
what you'd need for such a thing to be well-defined.

Perhaps you could construct your usage like this:

        post_process_function(aggregate_function(...), fixed_argument)

where the aggregate_function just collects the varying values
and then the post_process_function does what you were thinking
of as the final function.

                        regards, tom lane

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