That option doesn't seem to exist, but pg_basebackup does seem to be the
way to go.
Thanks for the help, Jeff!

On Sat, May 11, 2013 at 2:15 PM, Jeff Janes <> wrote:

> On Sat, May 11, 2013 at 7:56 AM, Moshe Jacobson <>wrote:
>> I have a master database cluster on one server, and it is configured to
>> ship logs via scp to an archive directory on my slave server. The slave
>> server is configured for streaming replication, and also is configured to
>> delete the archived xlogs when they are no longer needed (using
>> pg_archivecleanup).
>> I have a third machine on which I'd like to get another master cluster
>> running, and I'd like it to start with a copy of my current master. I'd
>> cannot restart my master, and would prefer not to restart my slave either.
>> Given my xlog archive configuration, Is there a way to clone my master
>> cluster to another machine, including all of the necessary xlogs, without
>> bringing down the original master or slave?
> I'd probably use "pg_basebackup --xlog-method=stream ..."
> Or temporarily disable pg_archivecleanup.
> Cheers,
> Jeff

Moshe Jacobson
Nead Werx, Inc. | Manager of Systems Engineering
2323 Cumberland Parkway, Suite 201 | Atlanta, GA 30339 |

"Quality is not an act, it is a habit." -- Aristotle

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