On 05/10/2013 11:38 AM, Merlin Moncure wrote:

PostgreSQL configuration changes:
synchronous_commit = off
effective_io_concurrency = 4
checkpoint_segments = 1024
checkpoint_timeout = 10min
checkpoint_warning = 8min
shared_buffers = 32gb
temp_buffers = 128mb
work_mem = 512mb
maintenance_work_mem = 1gb

that's good info, but it should be noted that synchronous_commit
trades a risk of some data loss (but not nearly as much risk as
volatile storage) for a big increase in commit performance.

Yeah but it is an extremely low risk, and probably lower than say... a bad Apache form submission. Generally the database is the most reliable hardware in the cluster. It is also not a risk for corruption which a lot of people confuse it for.

One thing I would note is that work_mem is very high, that might be alright with an SSD environment because if we go out to tape sort, it is still going to be fast but it is something to consider.

Another thing is, why such a low checkpoint_timout? Set it to 60 minutes and be done with it. The bgwriter should be dealing with these problems.




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