2013/4/22 Daniel Cristian Cruz <danielcrist...@gmail.com>

> query1:
> EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT ced.id_evento, ced.inicio, ced.termino, ced.evento,
> ced.id_eventos IS NOT NULL AS aula_dividida, ac.titulo, ced.id_tipo_evento,
> ced.tipo_evento, ac.media_referencia, p.nome, ef.nome AS nomeEspacoFisico,
> ( SELECT count ( pre2.presente ) > 0 FROM turma.presenca pre2 WHERE
> pre2.id_aula = ac.id_aula AND pre2.id_evento = ac.id_evento AND
> pre2.id_diario = '64469' ) AS presenca, ced.id_aula FROM
> recurso.consulta_evento_diario ced LEFT JOIN recurso.evento e USING (
> id_evento ) LEFT JOIN recurso.espaco_fisico ef USING ( id_espaco_fisico )
> LEFT JOIN turma.aula_calendario ac USING ( id_aula, id_evento ) LEFT JOIN
> recurso.evento_participante ep USING ( id_evento ) LEFT JOIN senai.pessoa p
> USING ( id_pessoa ) WHERE id_diario = '64469' AND ced.id_evento NOT IN (
> SELECT ec.id_evento_sobreposto FROM recurso.evento_conflito ec WHERE
> ec.id_evento_sobreposto = ced.id_evento AND ec.ignorado IS NULL ) AND
> ced.inicio BETWEEN '2013-04-14 00:00:00' AND '2013-04-20 23:59:59.999999'
> ORDER BY inicio;
> server 9.1:
> http://explain.depesz.com/s/fmM
> server 9.2:
> http://explain.depesz.com/s/wXm
> After run this one on server 9.2, RES memory reached 6.5GB, VIRT 15GB.

Since there is no response, is this memory usage normal? The same query on
version 9.1 doesn't use that much memory.

I'm concerned about this because there is just only one report like that.
Does someone else has the same pattern when using inherited tables?

Just for information, my schema uses one table that is inherited by all
others tables; it is an audit record: creator, creation time, creator
application, updater, update time, updater application, table name and
record id.

Daniel Cristian Cruz
クルズ クリスチアン ダニエル

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