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On 21-Apr-2013, at 16:47, Thomas Kellerer <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I recently stumbled upon a really cool feature in DB2: distinct types.
> DB2 lets you define your own types (just as Postgres) but with the added 
> benefit that you can mark them such that they are _not_ comparable, e.g. to 
> avoid comparing "apples to oranges".
> Take the following example:
> create type sno as varchar(50)
>  with comparisons;
>  create type pno as varchar(50)
>  with comparisons;
> create table s
> (
>   sno    sno         not null primary key,
>   .... other columns
> );
> create table p
> (
>   pno    pno           not null primary key,
>   .... other columns
> );
> The following query will be rejected because sno and pno are not comparable 
> (even though both are varchar columns):
>   select *
>   from p
>     join s on s.sno = p.pno;
> I wonder if a  similar behaviour can be achieved with Postgres' types as well.
> As a type definition in Postgres can also include comparison functions, I 
> have the feeling that this should be possible, but I don't have an idea on 
> how to start to be honest.
> Any ideas?
> Regards
> Thomas

Please mark this to pgsql-hackers, where you might get much better constructive 

It does sound nice.


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