Hello list,

I received the following error while backing up my database:

pg_dump: Dumping the contents of table 
"summary_show_unique_personas_2012_10_15" failed: PQgetCopyData() failed.
pg_dump: Error message from server: pg_dump: The command was: COPY 
public.summary_show_unique_personas_2012_10_15 (market_id, period, show_id, 
service_id, service_name, gender, followers_count, interactions_count) TO 

The pg_dump occurs over the network, from a client machine. The connection 
between both machines goes over the public Internet, but is in the same 
physical data center.

If I SSH onto the database server, I can dump that specific table without 
problem, and I'm trying a full backup right now. 

I've found 
which talks about a product using PostgreSQL.  The archives of this list do not 
have a reference to "PGgetCopyData", nor StackOverflow, dba.stackexchange or 

Does that error indicate a database corruption? Or just a network interruption?

François Beausoleil

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