Hi All, 

I have a question in regards to the cost of initiating a cursor (for loop) over 
a large number of rows (100,000+) and actually retrieving little or none of 

For example: 
  FOR curr_foo 
  SELECT foo FROM bar 
    WHERE wibble 
    ORDER BY wobble 
     EXIT; -- always break out of loop 

For some reason this is hugely expensive and slow regardless of the selected 
execution plan and available indexes. The WHERE and particularly the ORDER BY 
clause appear to be highly significant despite having appropriate indexes in 

It's the combination of the following behaviours I find particular perplexing:- 
  1.) Removing the WHERE and ORDER BY clauses results in a very fast query
  2.) Adding a LIMIT clause also results in a very fast query. 

This is perplexing because I don't see why ORDER BY should affect the cost of 
opening the cursor when indexes are in place but since it does why would LIMIT 
reduce the cost of ORDER BY as PostgreSQL would still need to order all of 
candidate records. This is all assuming the cursor isn't actually retrieving 
all the rows which is my understanding of how it should work. The configuration 
parameter 'cursor_tuple_fraction' is having no observable effect.

This is being seen on Postgres 9.1 (Ubuntu x64), on a server with fast disks 
and large amount of memory. Basic memory tuning has also been performed.

Thanks in advanced, I appreciate any insights.
Kind regards,
Matthew Churcher

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