So, Packt approached me a few months ago and asked me to put together a
very basic series of short step-by-step instructions on backing up
PostgreSQL. The title is "Instant PostgreSQL Backup and Restore How-to."
I tried to cover all of the basic approaches used by most admins, and I
tested it on a guy at work who's a SQL Server DBA but recently took over
care and feeding of a PG database. He said it was easier to understand
than the documentation, at least for just getting everything working and
sorting out more advanced details later.
I know it's not exactly Greg Smith's performance book, but I'm glad to
contribute how I can. I'm not entirely sure it's worth adding to the
book page:
But if it is, I'll provide any help or extra information necessary. If
anyone has questions, I'm here to answer them. :)
Shaun Thomas
OptionsHouse | 141 W. Jackson Blvd. | Suite 500 | Chicago IL, 60604
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