2013/4/3 David Noel <david.i.n...@gmail.com>:
> I'm running into a strange issue whereby my postgres processes are
> slowly creeping to 100% CPU utilization. I'm running
> postgresql-server-9.2.3, FreeBSD 8.3-RELEASE-p6, and using the
> postgresql-9.2-1002.jdbc4 driver.

> postgresql.conf, all standard/default except for:
> max_connections = 256

It's very likely the default settings are woefully inadequate for your
server; some basic
tuning (especially the value of shared_buffers and other
memory-related parameters)
should help.

> Any thoughts? What other information can I provide?

Sample EXPLAIN/EXPLAIN ANALYZE output from the query in question, and
if possible relevant table definitions etc. would certainly be useful.


Ian Barwick

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