Thanks for the reply,

Well my question was not very precise, the postgresql version is 8.3 which is 
not supported, so I wanted to migrate to a newer version which is 9.1.

I have used pg_dump with -Fc option and I was monitoring the pg_restore 
activity.  Normally, the dump and restore takes from 30-40 minutes; but 
yesterday when the indexes are bloated  - I do not know how this could happen 
in one or two days, the database size increased from 700 MiB to 13 GiB -  the 
pg_restore on 9.1 takes around 6 hours.  Since pg_restore is using insert into 
(....) . How can bloated indexes affect the restore performance. 

I have re-indexed one table  and the size dropped to again 700 MiB. So what 
could be the problem here?


 From: Tom Lane <>
To: Sergey Konoplev <> 
Cc: salah jubeh <>; pgsql <> 
Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2013 5:08 AM
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] bloating index, pg_restore
Sergey Konoplev <> writes:
> On Wed, Mar 27, 2013 at 9:56 AM, salah jubeh <> wrote:
>> I have a database which is bloated because of vacuum full, so you find
>> indexes bigger than the table itself.

> Table can not be bloated because of vacuum full, it removes bloat from
> the table and its indexes.

Um, well, that depends a lot on which PG version the OP is running
(which he didn't say).  The pre-9.0 implementation of VACUUM FULL
was notorious for creating index bloat, because it shuffled heap
entries around to compact heap space, but created an additional
index entry for each such heap-tuple motion.

            regards, tom lane

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