On 3/25/2013 7:35 AM, jayaram s wrote:
I have installed PostgreSQL 8.4.1 in my PC. For the requirement of data
migration I again want to install "PostgreSQL enterprise DB  9.2".
I couldn't install it because
I have select option "postgresql compatible" on "configuration mode". So
prompt wants me to enter "password". I have enter my existing postgres
password "postgres'. But I couldn't install. An error message displayed
as*"service user account 'postgres' couldnot be created". Please help me
to clear the problem*

Are you intentionally trying to install PostgresPlus Advanced Server? If you are working just on your PC, you should be able to use the PostgreSQL installer: http://www.enterprisedb.com/products-services-training/pgdownload#windows

The password the PPAS installer is asking you for is the password to your EnterpriseDB account, not a local Windows account. You need to register an EnterpriseDB account before you can install PPAS.

Guy Rouillier

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