On Mon, Mar 25, 2013 at 4:32 PM, Misa Simic <misa.si...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks Merlin,
> Well... sorry, It could be and my bad english... but let me explain
> chronologicaly things...
> I have first written concrete case...
> http://postgresql.1045698.n5.nabble.com/PostgreSQL-planner-tp5749427.html
> But because of I recognized the pattern - always is problem with JOIN to a
> view...
> I have written this abroad generic question.... Because of, I think,
> Postgres have problem with JOIN to a view in general...So probably someone
> before me have had the same problem - and if that is the case I just wanted
> to hear thier solution...
>  But from others examples, and some tests EXPLAIN ANALYZE I have done...
> i.e. SELECT t1.a FROM t1 LEFTJOIN t2 USING (a)
> Planer includes some actions related to t2 - what are not necessary at
> all... again - it is just my opinion :)
> (Please, don't take this - I don't know... as some most important thing...)
> So that are "small" problems - on our simplified examples - what have big
> impact in performance on a bit complex examples...
> So what we have indentified until know - solution to our problem with views
> - is always: "rephrase the question" (not indexes - they exist - just not
> used...)
> for example:
> SELECT view.* FROM view  INNER JOIN t1 USING (col1) WHERE t1.col2 = 1
> to get better performance, you need to say:
> SELECT view.* FROM view WHERE col1 = (SELECT t.col1 FROM t1 WHERE t1.col2 =
> 1)

yeah.  I understand -- it would help to see a test case there.  the
devil is always in the details.  point being, let's take your other

or the supplied test case you mentioned (where you evaluate a volatile
function in a view), things are working as designed.  the only
difference between  a view and a regular query is you get pushed down
one level in terms if subquery.  so,

select * from view;

is the same as:

select * from (<the view query>) q;

so, when using volatile function, the case basically boils down to:

SELECT * FROM (select volatile_func(), stuff FROM big_table) q WHERE
key = value;

that's a *very* different query vs:
select volatile_func(), stuff FROM big_table WHERE key = value;

the slower performance there is because logically you *have* to
evaluate volatile performance first -- things are working as designed.


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