On Fri, Mar 03/22/13, 2013 at 10:14:45AM -0600, Denver Timothy wrote:
> In PostgreSQL 9.2.3 I am trying to create this simplified table:
>     CREATE TABLE test (
>         user_id INTEGER,
>         startend TSTZRANGE,
>         EXCLUDE USING gist (user_id WITH =, startend WITH &&)
>     );
> But I get this error:
>     ERROR:  data type integer has no default operator class for access method 
> "gist"
>     HINT:  You must specify an operator class for the index or define a 
> default operator class for the data type.
> I've spent quite a bit of time searching for hints on figuring out how to 
> make this work, or figuring out why it won't work. I've also been trying to 
> understand CREATE OPERATOR and CREATE OPERATOR CLASS, but those are over my 
> head for now. Could anyone point me in the right direction?


-Ryan Kelly

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