On Mar 18, 2013, at 9:49 AM, Jeff Amiel <becauseimj...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> In prepping for an upgrade to 9.2.3, I stumbled across this:
> (
>   myint integer,
>   string1 text,
>   string2 text
> )
> WITH (
> );
> insert into foo values (12345,'Y','N');
>  select * from foo f where f.myint = 12345 or f.name='Y'
> In 9.2.3, this returns:
> ERROR:  column f.name does not exist
> LINE 1:  select * from foo f where myint = 12345 or f.name='Y'
> in 8.4.6 ,this returns no error (and gives me the row from the table)

That's (unintentionally) an attribute style data type cast - bar.name is the 
same as name(bar), and tries to cast bar to type "name" (an internal-use string 

Try "select foo from foo", "select name(foo::text) from foo" and "select 
name(foo) from foo" to see what's going on.

That was tightened up in 9.1, I think:


    Disallow function-style and attribute-style data type casts for composite 
types (Tom Lane)

    For example, disallow composite_value.text and text(composite_value). 
Unintentional uses of this syntax have frequently resulted in bug reports; 
although it was not a bug, it seems better to go back to rejecting such 
expressions. The CASTand :: syntaxes are still available for use when a cast of 
an entire composite value is actually intended.


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