On 3/7/2013 8:08 PM, Natalie Wenz wrote:
I am working on updating some of our tables to use appropriate native
data types; they were all defined as text when they were created
years ago.
What I am running into, though, is there are some records that have
bad data in them, where they can't be successfully converted to int,
or float, or boolean, for example.
Is there a straightforward way to identify offending records?
I've been able to identify some with things like "...not similar to
'(0|1)'..." for the boolean fields, and "...not similar to
'[0-9]{1,}'..." for int. Are regular expressions the best approach
here or is there a better way?
I did some quick searching also, looks like regular expressions are your
way to go. Here is one for isInteger, for example:
varchar ~ '^[0-9]+$'
Guy Rouillier
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