Em 24/02/2013 23:44, Adrian Klaver escreveu:
On 02/24/2013 06:13 PM, Tom Duffey wrote:
Hi Everyone,
Riddle me this. I have a database column of type "real" that gets 
mapped to a Java field of type double via JDBC. We have two 
databases, test and production, and the test database is periodically 
blown away and reloaded from a copy of production. We recently 
noticed that some values do not match when viewed within our 
application on test vs. production. More specifically:
- Selecting values from both test and production DBs using psql shows 
"10.3885" as the value
- The Java app on production shows "10.3884573" while the test app 
shows "10.3885"
I have a hunch that when the value was originally inserted into the 
production DB it probably contained more than the 6 digits supported 
by the real data type. It may have even been exactly the "10.3884573" 
value we see when retrieving via JDBC on production. What I don't 
understand is why when the value gets mapped back to Java via JDBC 
those extra digits are coming back. Can anyone explain this or do you 
think I'm on the wrong track? I stepped through code and it sure 
seems like the extra information is coming back from the JDBC driver.
Are the production and test apps running on the same platform i.e. OS, 
bitness, etc.
According to the Java Language specification, double and real are not 
precise data types because the how it is stored in binary, which in turn 
result in such errors.
See here:

See also a discussion about how to overcome here:


This issue is not exclusive from Java, other languages based on IEEE 754 standard's suffer of same problem.
That's the reason because BigDecimal exists.




Tom Duffey
414-751-0600 x102

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