Le mardi 19 février 2013 à 12:05 +0100, Jan Strube a écrit :
> Hi,
> we have a Java daemon that´s repeatedly calling a Perl function inside 
> our database (version 9.1.8). The function is called about 200 times per 
> second. While the Java program is running you can watch the memory usage 
> of the postmaster grow continuously until after a few hours we get an 
> out of memory error from Postgres. In the log you see a lot of 
> "ExprContext..." messages. When the daemon is killed the memory is 
> freed.The daemon is using a single database connection during it´s runtime.
> You can see the function definition here: 
> http://www.deriva.de/tmp/get_comment.txt
> Does anyone have an idea what could be wrong here or how I can find out 
> where the memory is spend?

Not sure, but have you considered closures? I wonder if your use of
%data in $get_value = sub {...} is creating one.

See Merlyn's reply in this thread :


for a way to find out. If so, you can probably do 

my $get_value = sub {

my ($data, $table, $cond, $field) = @_;

(where $data is a reference to %data)


and call it with 
my $value = $get_value->(\%data, $1, $2, $3);
instead of 
my $value = $get_value->($1, $2, $3);

Salutations, Vincent Veyron
Progiciel de gestion des sinistres assurance et des dossiers contentieux pour 
le service juridique

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